Stop the cuts… Fund their futures

Monday 24th June and 4pm came and a small group of us gathered at Dennistoun library. Within a few minutes there were small groups coming from different directions to join and soon there was quite a gathering to represent Golfhill Primary School families in protesting against the cuts to the education budget. We even had a doggy supporter join the ranks.

We have heard the devastating impacts these cuts will have on support, teaching and senior leadership posts across the city and Golfhill will of course be affected. We have been told about the impacts on support, additional supports, links with families, afterschool clubs and supervision of our kids.

Our families gathered for different reasons but united in their calls for any future cuts to be stopped.

I want my kids’ rights to a good education met, where they are supported and encouraged to be their best with options ahead of them.

I don’t just want it for them though – I want it for all kids in our school, in Dennistoun and in the city.

They can’t achieve that without well supported and resourced support, teaching and senior staff. Our kids deserve all this and it the job of our elected representatives to make decisions that protect our kids and put them first.

My daughter said “I loved being on the march with placards and my friends, making all that noise and being with lots of other people who are also angry. I wanted to go today because we are fighting for our teachers, for our school, for our rights and futures. If we don’t do this, then the council might get away with making more cuts.”

We set off with our placards made by Chris and a live stream going on our facebook page by Michael and we walked in the sunshine along Duke Street, Chanting “Stop the Cuts! Fund their future!”

We had lovely support along the way from cyclists, passers by, cars and vans with a coach beeping support too! We got MUCH louder towards City Chambers with the kids chanting their loudest at the decision makers who are knowingly affecting their current education and future potential. The kids voices echoed around the streets and George Square with tourists on red buses filming our protest.

We marched up Buchanan street and the main group gathered on the Concert Hall steps could hear us from a long way off. Some of them guessed correctly that it was Golfhill coming to join them! We arrived to a round of applause from the crowd and our kids inspired others with their enthusiasm and chants.

We joined the hundreds of others and marched around the city, highlighting to folks in the streets how important our teachers are, how our kids should come first and that these cuts must be stopped. Our Kids (and doggy!) were fantastic and their energy and enthusiasm was motivating to all. I was very proud to be part of our Golfhill Group today, who certainly made our voices and demands heard.

This is only the beginning and we all need to be committed and united in calling for the cuts to be stopped.

I hope to see you all there for the next time!


P1 Welcome Packs


May Update