May Update

As you know there will be devastating cuts to the education budget in Glasgow over the next 3 years meaning reductions in staffing in schools and support for our kids.

In our school this will mean:

  1. Equivalent to 1.5 fewer teachers next session

  2. Plus one less Support for Learning Worker

  3. Absence cover:

    • One teacher off = Miss Kirkland (DHT) in class

    • Two teachers off = Miss Kirkland and Mr Morrow (HT) in class

    • Three teachers (or more) off = relevant class cannot come in.

  4. Pupil groups such as Eco Committee and Pupil Council will not run all year long, but every other term (T1 + 3 and T2+4)

  5. After-school clubs will not take place after school. (These hopefully will run during the school day).

  6. Fewer staff to supervise playground

  7. Fewer "Showcases”, restricted to Open Afternoons and the Nativity

  8. Assembly will become 1 hour long.

  9. Excursions will have limited scope

What have we been doing about this?

  • We wrote a statement letter outlining our concerns. this was shared with our families and signatures gathered. we will be sending these to our local elected representatives and other key people.

  • We went to Dennistoun community council open meeting and raised our concerns.

  • We are working on information and a campaign plan

  • We are linking with the other parent councils in the area

  • Engaging with the Glasgow City Parent Group campaign

What will we be doing in the next few months?

  • We intend to host a families meetings on June 5th (details to come!)

  • We will continue to be speaking with key people, attending meetings and raising your concerns.

  • We would like to organise a feeder march to join the main March For Education Glasgow Demonstration, but this needs volunteers!

What can you do?

  • Speak to your elected representatives and tell them our concerns at the cuts and what we need

  • Attend March for Education Glasgow Demonstration on Monday 24th June 16:30.
    Glasgow City Parent Group is organising a March
    “Gathering at the steps at the top of Buchanan Street, outside The Royal Concert Hall. We will then march down Renfield Street, round to City Chambers where we will have speakers. We would like to encourage parents, carers, parent groups, charities, teachers, school staff and unions to join us, to march for better quality education in Scotland. Groups are welcome to join to march for what is important to them. GCPG is obviously marching against education cuts. This march isn't limited to Glasgow residents either, it's to raise our voices nationally too.”

Other Activities

Check out the Bottle and Can collection campaign (28th May - 7th June) to raise funds for the school’s end of year safari trip.


Stop the cuts… Fund their futures


April 2024 Update