AGM 19th August

On 19th August the parent council held the AGM in the school.

It was a good opportunity to reflect on the past year, what we have achieved as a parent council and how we can continue to work alongside Mr Morrow and the team to be a link between the school and the parents.

We have had a busy year of activities and events, including Halloween disco, Christmas Fayre and campaigning, as well as raising funds for the school and contributing to activities such as the panto visit in December.

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way over the last 12 months whether that is helping at events, buying raffle tickets or giving up your time baking or in any other way. The parent council would not run without the support of parents, carers and extended family of the children.

As is usual at the AGM nominations of Office Bearers took place and as of tonight the office bearers will be -

  • Chair person - Catherine Tate

  • Secretary - Natalie Morgan

  • Treasurer - John Bitten O’Prey

Dates of the parent council meetings for the 2024/25 school year are -

  • 3rd October 2024 @ 6.30pm

  • 14th November 2024 @ 6.30pm

  • 23rd January 2024 @ 6.30pm

  • 13th March 2024 @ 6.30pm

  • 8th May 2024 @ 6.30pm


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